Online update tranings offer reliable information on playground and sports area safety, just like standard courses, but they always focus on one specific topic. Topics and dates are selected based on feedback from S2P certified.
All S2P Design, S2P Manage, S2P Project, S2P Inspect* and S2P Inspect** certified persons can participate in the update trainings free of charge. For S2P Operate certified, the price is 70% reduced from the price shown in the S2P shop. In the S2P shop, anyone can order update training for any time by paying the full price.
Safe to Play Oy has the right to choose the topics of the update trainings offered without cost for the S2P certified.
Only the first hundred people who log in to the training portal can participate. Safe to Play Oy is not obliged to arrange additional trainings for those, who didn’t fit in.
Safe to Play Oy is not responsible for connection problems that occur between the webinar server and the participant.
If the update webinar is canceled for reasons attributable to Safe to Play Oy, Safe to Play Oy is obliged to arrange another, similar training.